Update Your CRCG’s Contact Information

In order for the State CRCG Office to provide up-to-date CRCG contact information to the public, and resources and support to local CRCGs; we ask that CRCG leaders email us at CRCG@hhsc.state.tx.us with any changes or updates.

Please include in your email the following information:

CRCG Information

Counties served:
Population served (children/youth, adults, all ages):

Contact Information

Previous Contact Name:
New Contact Name:
Role in CRCG (chair, co-chair, coordinator, secretary, data reporter, or other):
Phone Number:

Contact Us

Have a question? Want to get in touch? The HHSC CRCG team would love to hear from you, provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. Here's how you may reach us:

P.O. Box 13247
MC 2018
Austin, Texas 78711
Tel: 512-206-5255
Email: CRCG@hhsc.state.tx.us