Training Toolkit

The CRCG Toolkit is your one-stop shop to creating, sustaining, and supporting your CRCG, whether you're a new or established CRCG, or a leader or member.

The toolkit outlines best practices your CRCG can consider implementing. It is divided into four modules including basic information and organizational development, leader and member roles and responsibilities, the CRCG process, and additional functions of the CRCG. Each module includes useful resources such as training videos, worksheets, and one-pagers.

Module 1: Getting Started

This module covers the basics of CRCGs. It also provides tools and resources to help get your CRCG started or to re-organize your current CRCG.

Learn about how to use this training toolkit, the role of the State CRCG Office, and other resources available for CRCG leaders and members.

CRCGs originated with Texas Legislation passed in 1987 and continue to serve individuals and families in their communities. Learn about the history of CRCGs and about how they continually improve the lives of Texans.

  • Overview of CRCGs
  • Partner Flyer (English and Spanish)
    This partner flyer explains CRCGs, their benefits, and describes how potential partners can become involved in their local CRCG.

CRCGs are embedded in the policies and procedures of various programs and resources across the state. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of CRCGs within the CRCG Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), programs, and resources.

Whether you are starting a new CRCG in your community or looking to reorganize an existing CRCG, these resources will help you ensure the creation, revival, and maintenance of an effective CRCG.

  • [Video] This video outlines the process of starting a new CRCG, covering topics like identifying partners and planning and hosting an organizational meeting to establish your CRCG.
  • New CRCG checklist
    Use this checklist for a step-by-step outline to help establish an effective CRCG.
  • Who should be part of your CRCG?
  • How to start and organize your CRCG
    • Sample organizational meeting invitation
      This is a fillable template you can use to invite local partner agencies and programs to your organizational meeting.
    • Partner flyer (English and Spanish) and brochure
      These marketing materials can help explain CRCGs to potential partners.
    • Sample organizational meeting agenda
      This agenda can be used as a basis for an organizational meeting to establish a new CRCG or can be modified to serve as an orientation to the CRCG for new partners.
    • Survey of membership
      Use this survey to help you gauge your current membership and maintain an accurate roster of your CRCG.
  • What should you discuss to establish or revive your CRCG?
    Have the group discuss the needs of your community and consider how a CRCG can help address those needs. If the group decides to create a CRCG, use the following questions to set guidelines and expectations.
  • Creating Policies and Procedures
    • CRCG Bylaws Worksheet and Template
      Bylaws are policies and procedures developed by the CRCG that establish the CRCG's organizational structure. Having a defined organizational structure can help ensure that the CRCG operates smoothly, even during unexpected situations. Creating the CRCG's organizational structure as a group can help increase member buy-in and participation. Use this worksheet and template with your CRCG to help you create your bylaws.
    • CRCG Confidentiality Policy and Agreement Form
      Each local CRCG must have confidentiality procedures in place that permits the sharing of confidential information while preserving the confidential nature of the information in accordance with state and federal law. Each local CRCG member must sign the CRCG Confidentiality Agreement agreeing to safeguard confidential information.

Module 2: Leader and Member Roles and Responsibilities

This module explains the core functions of leadership and helps you identify leaders. It also helps you identify and recruit members for your CRCG and includes training on member responsibilities.

Gain a better understanding of the leadership roles a CRCG may have and how to divide responsibilities among a leadership team.

This section can also help you create a selection process and determine potential leaders.

Having a diverse and robust membership is key to a successful CRCG. Use these tools to help you define member roles and recruit new members.

  • Partner Recruiting Toolkit
    The partner recruiting toolkit is designed to help you grow your partnerships with providers and agencies in your community to increase membership at your CRCG.
    • Tips for Recruiting Members
      This tip sheet will help your CRCG reflect and identify your membership needs and identify and recruit prospective members.
    • MOU
      Using the MOU may be helpful when recruiting staff from mandated agencies to remind them of their role in CRCGs.
    • CRCG Elevator Pitch
      Use these talking points to help you spread the word about your CRCG in your local community.
    • Sample Invitation to a CRCG Meeting
    • Partner Flyer (English and Spanish)
      This partner flyer can be used to market your CRCG and recruit new members. The pdf version below is available for emailing and printing, or hard copies may be available by contacting the State CRCG Office.
    • Brochure
      This brochure explains CRCGs to people, helps them find their local CRCG, and allows community workers to connect people to their CRCG. The tri-fold format is in English on one side and Spanish on the other side. Hard copies of the brochure can be ordered for free from the HHS Print Product Catalog. The pdf version is available for emailing or printing in an office and contains a section where the contact information can be modified.
  • Member Roles and Responsibilities
    • [Video] This video provides an overview of member responsibilities including, attendance and involvement, confidentiality, release of information, and educating your agency.
    • How to be an Effective CRCG Member
      This list recommends ten things you can do to increase your effectiveness as a CRCG member.
    • The Role of Family and Peer Representatives in Your CRCG
      This resource explains what family and peer representatives are, their role in CRCGs, and how to include them in your CRCG.
  • New Member Welcome Email template
    Use this template to help welcome your new CRCG members and provide them with training resources to help them understand and learn their new role. Local CRCGs may use this as a template, add other relevant information, or create their own welcome email.

Module 3: The CRCG Process

Typically, CRCGs have four key steps in their process. View these tools for an overall description of these steps and refer to the other sections of this module for more details.

  • Consent and Release of Information Overview

    CRCGs, their leaders, and members must comply with applicable state and federal laws, as well as individual agency policies. The referring entity and CRCG must have written consent and release of information from the individual, parent, or legal guardian to share information with the CRCG and members and to participate in the CRCG meeting.

  • CRCG Referrals
  • Referral form template and guidance (English)

    This template is designed to gather the basic information needed to refer an individual or family for a CRCG staffing. Local CRCGs may use the form as a template, expand certain sections of the referral, or create their own.

  • Referral Eligibility Chart [Requirements]

    Use this chart to assist with determining the appropriateness of referrals.

  • Referral Best Practices
  • This resource provides tips from our best practice series that your CRCG can implement in your referral process and outlines factors contributing to steady referrals.

CRCG meetings can be utilized for multiple functions. Learn how to determine meeting content, prepare the referred person, and arrange meeting and staffing materials. This section also includes information for virtual meetings.

  • Plan the Meeting
  • Prepare the Youth, Individual, or Family
    • Individual and Family Preparation Checklist

      Use this checklist when meeting with the youth, individual, or family to help ensure that they are fully prepared for their staffing.

    • Information for Your CRCG Meeting (English and Spanish)

      Provide this resource to the youth, individual, family, or caregiver to help outline what to expect at the staffing.

  • Prepare Meeting and Staffing Materials
    • ISP template (English and Spanish)

      This form is used to record the CRCG's recommendations. Local CRCGs may use the form as a template, expand certain sections, or create their own.

    • Member and guest confidentiality policy and agreement

      Each member and guest member must have a signed confidentiality agreement on file prior to attending any staffings.

    • Data tracking worksheet

      This document streamlines the data tracking and entry process. It is best to use one worksheet for all staffings throughout the month. At the end of the month, total the tallies for each section and input the numbers into the data collection system. Review this pre-filled example for guidance.

    • Meeting and staffing materials checklist

      Use this checklist to ensure that you have all the appropriate materials prepared for the meeting.

    • Sample CRCG meeting agenda

      You may use this sample agenda as a basis for your CRCG meetings. The times are suggested and may or may not be included on the distributed version. It might be helpful for the Chair to estimate the time needed for each item to keep the meeting on task. Some CRCGs establish time limits for each agenda item and appoint a timekeeper for this purpose.

    • Virtual meetings tip sheet

      If your meeting will be on conducted on a virtual platform, utilize these tips to help prepare you and your members for the meeting.

To have a productive CRCG meeting, meeting facilitators must manage the meeting and ensure that the staffing process runs smoothly. Learn about how to effectively manage a CRCG meeting and best practices for hosting a staffing.

Following up with the individual and family and the involved entities after the staffing is a critical step in the CRCG process. When an ISP is built, next action steps or tasks are assigned and the CRCG should ensure that follow through happens on both sides. Learn about how to effectively follow up after the individual service plan is built.

Module 4: Additional CRCG Duties

CRCGs are encouraged to regularly evaluate their CRCG for areas of improvement. Learn about how evaluation can help you CRCG.

Collecting and reporting local CRCG meeting information is vital to the work and development of CRCGs. Learn how you can utilize your local CRCG data.

  • CRCG Satisfaction Survey
    • View the Satisfaction Survey online (English and Spanish).
    • After allowing some time for the person or family to process their meeting, CRCGs should encourage all people assisted by CRCGs to complete the Satisfaction Survey. A QR code and hyperlink to the Satisfaction Survey can be found on the bottom of the Individual Service Plan form.
    • [Video] CRCG Satisfaction Survey: This video demonstrates how to complete the CRCG Satisfaction Survey.

    There may be situations where disputes arise within your CRCG. Consult with these techniques to help you manage conflict.

    Contact Us

    Have a question? Want to get in touch? The HHSC CRCG team would love to hear from you, provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. Here's how you may reach us:

    HHSC CRCG team
    P.O. Box 13247
    MC 2018
    Austin, Texas 78711
    Tel: 512-206-5255