Get Help from Your CRCG

Community Resource Coordination Groups are county-based groups of local partners and community members that work with parents, caregivers, children, youth and adults with complex needs to identify and coordinate services and supports. They help people whose needs can't be met by one single agency and who would benefit from interagency coordination.

Trying to find solutions for complex needs can be difficult. CRCGs are here to help you find and coordinate services and make sure your concerns are heard!

CRCGs serves the following age groups:

  • Children and youth
  • Adults
  • All ages

Different CRCGs serve different age groups. CRCGs may serve mostly children and youth, or adults, or use a combined model that serves both populations. Who CRCGs serve is based on the needs of the community.

CRCGs benefit Texans when they effectively collaborate to offer interagency coordination of services and supports for people with complex needs that can't be met by a single agency, including behavioral health, basic needs and caregiver support.

This approach allows more people to remain in their own homes and communities by addressing their needs proactively and reducing any duplication of effort. Through the coordinated support of a CRCG, more Texans can live with improved health and wellness.

People are referred to CRCGs by one of the following ways:

  • A local agency or organization
  • Family or peer representatives
  • Through their own request

CRCGs partner with people and families who need interagency coordination to:

  1. Discuss their unique needs, strengths, previous services, and barriers.
  2. Brainstorm ideas for appropriate services and supports.
  3. Create individualized service plans, helping to locate and access services and supports.

CRCGs are organized by the local community. CRCG members include local professional partners and community members who know about services in their community. Many CRCGs also include people who have been through the process before such as individuals, parents, or caregivers. All CRCGs should include mandated state agency partners and local partners.

How to Connect with Your Local CRCG

CRCGs are located across Texas and can be found in most counties. There are two ways a person can connect with a CRCG. Choose the path that best fits your needs.

  • Ask a current provider - for example, a case manager, counselor, probation officer, etc. - if they can help connect you with your local CRCG.
  • Contact your local CRCG and let them know you would like help.
    • Use the "Find Your Local CRCG" feature at the top of this page and search by city or county.
    • Find the CRCG listed that serves your age group.
    • Call or email the representative listed for your local CRCG.
  • The CRCG Maps dashboard displays information about where CRCGs are located and who CRCGs serve.
  • See the CRCG Maps dashboard in PDF format with the CRCG Maps Accessibility Form PDF

If there is no local CRCG in your area or your local CRCG does not serve your age group, please use the “Find Resources Near Me” page on this website to find local resources near you or contact the HHSC CRCG team for help.

What to Expect

Each CRCG is unique and the plan that you create with the CRCG will vary depending on services and supports available in your community. The following diagram outlines the steps of the CRCG process.

diagram of what to expect

Ask your current provider to connect you with your local CRCG or call or email your CRCG representatives and let them know you would like help starting the CRCG process. Use the "Find Your Local CRCG" feature at the top of this page and search by city or county. Select the CRCG that serves your age group.

Your local CRCG or current provider will guide you through the referral process and tell you what information is needed. The process usually includes filling out a referral form with your CRCG representative or provider and may include providing additional documentation and information. You will also sign a consent to participate and written release form that gives permission to the CRCG or current provider to share your information with CRCG representatives. Contact your local CRCG to learn more about their referral process.

Once your local CRCG has determined your referral is appropriate, a CRCG meeting will be scheduled. Most CRCGs have a standing date and time that their CRCG meetings occur each month. Work with your CRCG to schedule a date and time that works best for you. Individuals, youth, and families are encouraged to attend the meeting. You may consider inviting other supportive person(s) to attend the meeting with you such as a friend, counselor, trusted community member, or your family partner or peer specialist (if you have one).

A CRCG representative will contact you prior to the meeting to discuss the CRCG meeting process and how to prepare for the meeting. Ask your CRCG representative what documents or information would be helpful to bring to the meeting. Discuss general needs, questions, or concerns you have about the meeting with your CRCG representative.

Who will be at your meeting?

There will be a variety of people at the table from state and local agencies to get you the help you need. Many CRCGs have family or peer representatives — a person who has experiences with physical, emotional, behavioral or mental health challenges and knowledge of the CRCG process — who is available to explain the process, answer questions and support you and your family before, during and after the meeting. Ask your local CRCG to find out if this assistance is available in your area.

What will you be asked to share?

  • What brought you to the meeting.
  • Types of services you received before, and how successful they were.
  • Your goals.
  • Your strengths and supports.
  • How the CRCG can help support you.

How will you help develop your plan?

You and the CRCG will talk about what services can help. It's important your voice and the person who needs services and supports be heard during the CRCG process. If the person needing services is a youth or young adult, they should be invited to the meeting when appropriate or asked to share how they want the CRCG to support them. A conversation with your CRCG representative before the meeting can help with this process.

What services and supports will your plan include?

As a group, you and CRCG members will identify your goals and incorporate your strengths to create an individual service plan to help you find and access services and supports. The CRCG will work to ensure that these services and supports are appropriate and fit with your values, beliefs, family structure, or routine. CRCGs strive to meet the person's and family's needs with community-based solutions whenever possible.

  • You should leave the CRCG meeting with a copy of your service plan. Your CRCG may provide a written copy to you or arrange to send you a digital version.
  • Your plan will list each recommended service discussed during your meeting, including next steps and contact information for the services.
  • You will be given the contact information for the CRCG representative who will be available to answer any questions about your plan. A family or peer representative may also be available to answer questions and support you after the meeting. Ask your local CRCG to find out if this assistance is available in your area.
  • Your CRCG may arrange a follow up meeting or call with you to check in about how your plan is working and if any changes need to be made.

Below are common examples of possible recommendations and outcomes to expect when you attend a CRCG:

  • During the meeting, a person may be asked what they love to do. The CRCG may suggest additional activities, such as art and equine therapy with horses, or volunteer activities.
  • The needs of the whole family may be addressed. For example, a child may be referred to the CRCG, but during the process it is learned that the parents could use support with employment and housing resources.
  • Coordinated services may involve a case manager, a representative from a local counseling center, and other providers creating a single plan that helps the person and providers work together toward the same goals.
  • A translator or an advocate may be offered to attend important appointments with a family.
  • CRCG members may use the community to provide help. For example, if a child has trouble walking to school, the neighbors on the corner might come outside and say good morning to the child on their way to school.

Learn More

To learn more about the CRCG process or find answers to your questions, please explore the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below.


Share Your Experience

If you attended a CRCG meeting in the past, the HHSC CRCG team welcomes your feedback. Complete the CRCG Satisfaction Survey - English or CRCG Satisfaction Survey - Spanish to share your experience. The survey should take about 5 to 7 minutes to complete.