Overview of CRCGs

CRCGs are county-based groups of local partners and community members who work with parents, caregivers, children, youth, and adults with complex needs to identify and coordinate services and supports.

  • They help people whose needs can't be met by one single agency and who would benefit from interagency coordination.
  • They strive to meet the person's and family's needs with community-based solutions whenever possible.

There are CRCGs covering most counties across Texas. To find a local CRCG in your area, use the "Find Your Local CRCG" feature at the top of this page. Search by city or county.

The CRCG Maps dashboard displays information about where CRCGs are located and who CRCGs serve.
See the CRCG Maps dashboard in PDF format with the CRCG Maps Accessibility Form PDF

CRCGs serves the following age groups:

  • Children and youth
  • Adults
  • All ages

Different CRCGs serve different age groups. CRCGs may serve mostly children and youth, or adults, or use a combined model that serves both populations. Who CRCGs serve is based on the needs of the community.

CRCGs benefit Texans when they effectively collaborate to offer interagency coordination of services and supports for people with complex needs that can’t be met by a single agency, including behavioral health, basic needs and caregiver support.

This approach allows more people to remain in their own homes and communities by addressing their needs proactively and reducing any duplication of effort. Through the coordinated support of a CRCG, more Texans can live with improved health and wellness.

People are referred to CRCGs by one of the following ways:

  • A local agency or organization
  • Family or peer representatives
  • Through their own request

CRCGs partner with people and families who need interagency coordination to:

  1. Discuss their unique needs, strengths, previous services, and barriers.
  2. Brainstorm ideas for appropriate services and supports.
  3. Create individualized service plans, helping to locate and access services and supports.

CRCGs are organized by the local community. CRCG members include local professional partners and community members who know about services in their community. Many CRCGs also include people who have been through the process before such as individuals, parents, or caregivers. All CRCGs should include mandated state agency partners and local partners.

Mandated State Agency Partners:

CRCGs are formally supported with a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the following agencies:

State agency partners support CRCGs at both a local level by having representatives participate in local CRCGs and at a state level by participating in the State CRCG Workgroup, along with community-based organizations and family and peer representatives.

The HHSC CRCG team, located in the Office of Mental Health Coordination at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, coordinates the State CRCG Workgroup. The workgroup meets regularly to provide support, training, and technical assistance to local CRCGs.

Local Partners

Effective CRCGs require a wide variety of members who represent a range of services and supports that cover all age groups and people's needs. Each member organization commits to collaborating with regular communication about service coordination to serve their community best. Community-based partners may include:

  • Local mental health authority (LMHA) or Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA)
  • Local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA)
  • State, regional and local government service providers
  • Housing authority
  • Aging and disability resource center (ADRC)
  • Area agency on aging (AAA)
  • Peer and family representatives
  • Judges and judicial support offices
  • Probation and parole officers
  • School districts and counselors
  • Child and adult protective services
  • Counseling and other behavioral health providers
  • Health care providers
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Community-serving organizations
  • Private-sector stakeholders, such as managed care organizations

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an agreement between CRCG member agencies that outlines the responsibilities of local CRCGs, the HHSC CRCG team and Workgroup, and participating agencies. The MOU contains information about the CRCG Program including:

  • Overview
  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Guiding Model(s)
  • Consumer Choice and the Role of Families, Consumers, and Caregivers
  • Agency Responsibilities
  • Functions of Local CRCGs
  • Membership and Organization of Local CRCGs
  • Eliminating Duplication of Services
  • Responsibilities of HHSC and Member Agencies
  • Interagency Dispute Resolution
  • Terms of Agreement
View the Memorandum of Understanding

Guiding Principles

All CRCGs provide support to people and families using the same basic guiding principles.

CRCG Representatives

Each CRCG should include:

  • State agencies or their local affiliates who have signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • Representatives of private agencies
  • A family or peer representative - a person who has experiences with physical, emotional, behavioral or mental health challenges and knowledge of the CRCG process — who is available to explain the process, answer questions and support the family before, during, and after the meeting. All CRCG members should have the authority to commit services or resources for people and families referred to the CRCG.

Role of a CRCG

The CRCG will create an Individual Service Plan based on the person's or family's strengths. The plan will help the person or family get the services they need. It is developed with the person or family and the agency representatives.

Service Environment

Services should be provided in the most homelike, nurturing environment and the least restrictive setting possible. Whenever possible, the service plan will recommend services within the community. When services outside the community are necessary, they will be in the least restrictive environment possible.


When placement outside the community is necessary, the service plan will include a plan for bringing the person back into the community and, as appropriate, into the family.

Individual, Family and Youth Involvement

The involvement of the person, whether youth, young adult or adult and their family (as appropriate) is vital to successfully create and carry out the service plan.


People referred to CRCGs are those who face barriers or obstacles to having all of their needs met through existing resources and whose needs can be met only through agencies working together. The referring agency will explore services and resources within and outside the agency before sending someone to a CRCG.


Agencies must be as flexible as possible when committing services and resources for people referred to the CRCG, within existing eligibility criteria and funding policy.

Plan Oversight and Follow-Up

The CRCG will assign an agency (usually the agency who is providing most of the services on the plan) to help oversee the service plan and follow-up with the person or family.


Each CRCG member is responsible for ensuring confidentiality for people and families referred to a CRCG. Members who represent an agency or organization should follow their agency's/organization's policies for confidentiality.

Promoting Access to Services for All People and Families

Provide services and supports without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, physical disability, socio-economic status, geography, language, or other characteristics, and services should be sensitive and responsive to these differences.


Below are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CRCGs.